Mr. Boland is a genius
- Sigmund Spaeth, Author of A History of Popular Music in America, The New York Times -
Meet Clay Boland Jr.
Clay's began playing piano at the age of 3, and had his first original piece composed by the age of 5. His love of music was fostered by his father Clay Boland, a song-writing dentist who wrote a number of hit songs including, The Gypsy In My Soul.

Clay went on to get his graduate degrees at City University.
After a 15 year career in New York City, he went on...
Live The World You Want
This is a handbook that invites you to participate in doing something about the state of the world primarily by exemplifying in your own life the way you want the
world to be.
And since most people desire to live life fully and with meaning and self-respect, this is a handbook about making the most out of the gift of life for yourself and for others.
Unless you first get yourself together, you cannot get together with anyone else, and you cannot help any of us get together.
If you are not living up to your own potential, you have no right to complain about the rest of humankind falling short of doing the same. If you live up to your own potential, or at least more of your potential than you are living up to at present, you will be helping others do the same; you will be helping create, within the sphere of your own influence, a better world because of your presence in it.